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How long it takes to recovery after cataract surgery

The time to recover after cataract surgery can go from days to weeks.

You will have to use eye drops to help the eye heal, your doctor will prescribe the drops and indicate how often and for how long (usually 4 weeks)

You will have to wear an eye shield at night for the first week only.

Avoid rubbing your eyes.

Restrict heavy lifting (10 pounds) or bending for one week.

Wear sunglasses when outdoors.

Do not wear your old glasses because they won’t help you anymore since the refractive power of your eyes changed after the implantation of the intraocular lens.

You can continue taking all your meds.

After a month you can get a new glasses prescription, if needed.

You will have to attend the post-operative visits, usually the first day after surgery, one week and one month.

Facts about cataract surgery

  • It’s a safe procedure and improve quality of life
  • It is the most common surgical procedure performed in the US
  • Dr. Romero had perform more than 10.000 cataract surgeries with excellent outcomes

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