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Johnson & Johnson Surgical has launched this fall the release of a new intraocular implant to add to its presbyopia correcting implants line. TECNIS Symfony™ OptiBlue™ IOL with InteliLight™

During cataract surgery, patients have different options for intraocular lens (IOL) models to replace the natural clouded (old) lens that is removed during the procedure.

Presbyopia correcting implants have the benefit to allow patients the ability to see clear at near without the help of reading glasses most of the time. A bothersome tradeoff for some patients is the presence of dysphotopsias – halos or glare that make night driving difficult and reading in a dim environment more challenging.

As technology has evolved and the understanding of the optical physics in real life has improved, the manufactures have been improving their products.  Johnson & Johnson has now added to their portfolio the new intraocular lens Symfony OptiBlue IOL with InteliLight which is an extended depth of focus implant allowing for more glasses independence for distance, intermediate, and near vision without compromising the quality of vision, and providing better contrast sensitivity and less dysphotopsias.

The implant optimizes visual function through transmission of blue light and filtering violet light.  Filtering the violet light decrease the halos and glares experienced by other IOL models because most automobiles and street lighting use the violet light range emission.

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