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Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in patients over the age of 75. The most common symptom of AMD is blurry vision that can be insidious or of acute onset, although some patients during the early stages of the disease might not experience any symptoms

Risk factors are age, cigarette smoking, genetic abnormalities (family history), cardiovascular disease, and hypertension.

The disease is caused by a biochemical dysfunction in the cells in the central area of the retina known as the macula which function for central vision and perception of fine detail.

The diagnosis of AMD is made during a comprehensive eye exam with the support of diagnostic imaging tests. There are mainly two types of macular degeneration, Dry and Wet, which differ in the severity of the loss of vision, prognosis, and treatments. Dry AMD can progress to the Wet type becoming more visually significant.

Now patients with intermediate Dry AMD can be monitored at home with Foresee Home to detect early signs of progression of the disease that are not noticed by the patient and could lead without timely and proper treatment to irreversible loss of vision. Foresee Home is a device that is prescribed by your eye doctor and covered by Medicare. Once at home, the self-test is easy to perform. The patient just needs to look at the device screen and the results are automatically sent to the Notal Vision Monitoring Center and then to your eye doctor, who will contact you and schedule a visit.

Facts about Forsee Home:

  • FDA cleared
  • Medicare covered
  • Helps to protect your vision and keep your independence

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