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Glaucoma refers to a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, which transmits visual information from the eye to the brain. If left untreated, glaucoma can cause irreversible vision loss. It is often linked to increased intraocular pressure (pressure inside the eyeball) and occurs more frequently in certain ethnic groups. Therefore, early detection and proper treatment are essential to prevent vision loss.

AI and machine learning in glaucoma can predict which patients with risk factors might develop the disease. These technologies analyze data and identify patterns that signal the onset of glaucoma. As a result, they help doctors make more accurate predictions.

Moreover, AI and machine learning in glaucoma can determine which patients are at risk of peripheral vision loss. By examining images of the retina, optic nerve, blood vessels, and visual field tests, AI detects features that suggest disease progression. Consequently, this enables more effective monitoring and improved patient outcomes.

(a) Retinal fundus photo of the left eye of a diabetic patient. (b) Same image after artificial intelligence analysis by Netra.AI (Leben Care Technologies Pte., Ltd.) with the superficial hemorrhages, deep hemorrhages, and hard exudates.


AI systems may assist eye care providers, but they cannot replace a trained professional with clinical expertise and judgment.
A doctor should always be consulted for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan to ensure the best care.

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