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Dextenza is a medication used for the treatment of ocular pain and inflammation following ophthalmic surgery. It is a preservative-free intracanalicular insert that is inserted in the lower lacrimal punctum, a natural opening in the eyelid, and into the canaliculusis without the need to be removed.

dextenzaDextenza is a corticosteroid drug that is inserted into the eyelid as a small, bioresorbable implant. The implant gradually releases the medication over a period of up to 30 days, providing sustained therapeutic levels of the drug and minimizing the need for frequent eye drops or injections after cataract surgery.

Dextenza is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of postoperative inflammation and pain following cataract surgery.

As with all medications, Dextenza can cause side effects, and it should only be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider.

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