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IPL Therapy (Intense Pulsed Light)

IPL Therapy (Intense Pulsed Light)

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (known as IPL) is a non-invasive treatment performed at Precision Eye Care to treat conditions like dry eyes due to meibomian gland deficiency, rosacea, chalazions and abnormalities in your skin like sun spots and facial veins . At Precision Eye Care, we have one of the world’s most technologically advanced and the only FDA approved IPL machine Optilight provided by LumenisⓇ. The machine uses heat from intense pulse light to treat the root of the problem, increasing your natural production of lubricating oil from the glands in your eyelids, decreasing the pro inflammation mediators and reducing the population of Demodex mites.  Not only does this therapy relieve your dry eye symptoms, but it also treats damaged blood vessels and skin irritation (known as rosacea) which can make dry eye worse.

Ocular rosacea can be caused by a variety of things including hereditary and/or environmental factors, bacterial infections or blockages, and aging.  If you find yourself experiencing symptoms such as dry or red/itchy/irritated eyes, watery eyes, a sensation that something is in your eyes, blurred vision, abnormally large blood vessels, or eyelid inflammation, IPL therapy may be right for you.

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Initial Consultation:

The team at Precision Eye Care will perform a comprehensive eye exam, review your medical history, current therapy to treat dry eye, assess your Fitzpatrick skin tone (amount of melanin your skin has) to determine if IPL therapy is necessary and cost-effective for you.

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During the therapy sessions, a cooling cream will be applied to your cheek, nose, eyelids and forehead skin. This is done to keep your skin comfortable during the treatment. You will also have protective eye shields . The machine will then target flashes of light into your skin, which is the main feature of the IPL treatment, this is followed by expression of Meibomian Glands in your eyelids. Overall, IPL therapy is very comfortable and it only lasts 10 mins.

After Care:

Your facial skin will be sensitive to sunlight after the IPL therapy. It is recommended that you use sunscreen if planning to go outdoors, wearing a hat and sunglasses will also be beneficial . You might resume your current treatment for dry eyes the same day. Typically you will notice an improvement of your symptoms after the third treatment with IPL. In our experience patients that suffer from chronic dry eyes are thrilled with the results and were able for the first time less eye drops and have a more comfortable lifestyle.

IPL Therapy
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It is important to note that medical insurances won’t cover IPL therapy. On average, IPL treatment costs between $800 -1200 for the recommended treatments of three to four sessions split two weeks apart.

If you heard of IPL therapy and would like to learn more about this innovative treatment, schedule your consultation at Precision Eye Care.

When IPL therapy is not recommended:

IPl therapy is contraindicated in patients that suffer of skin cancer, those with history of cold sores or Herpes 1&2 infections, uncontrolled immunosuppression, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus , Porphyria, recent radiation therapy to the face or neck or currently using a photosensitive medication.

Get in Touch

For more information on our Cataract Corrective Surgery services, please fill out our contact form or call our office today and someone will help you schedule an appointment for a consultation. 

(410) 377-2422

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